日本財団 図書館


Article 161. Aircraft crew making an instrument flight under the provisions of Article 69 of the Law sball possess a minimurn of six hours of experience in instrument flight (including simulated instrument flight)during the period of 180 days prior to the date pilotage commences.


2. Experience in the operation of a flight simulator in a maimer specified by the Minister of Transport shall be regarded as experience in insnument flight in applying the provisions of the preceding paragraph.


Article 162. A pilot who, under the provisions of Article 69 of the Law, will engage in flight training as prescribed in Article 34 paragraph 2 of the Law shall not engage in said flight training unless he possesses a minimum of ten hours of flight experience engaged in flight training during the period of one year prior to date of engaging in said flight traimng.


Article 162-(2). Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 159 paragraph 1, Article 161 paragraph 1 and Article 162, a person listed in the left side of the following Table may, when the Minister of Transport has recognized such a person as having experiences equal to or more than those listed in the middle column of the said Table, perform those activities listed in the right side of the said Table.


(Route Qualification of Pilot-in-Command)
Article 163. The experience specified in Ordinances of the Ministy of Transport under Article 72 paragraph 1 of the Law shall be as prescribed in the following subparagraphs during the preceding one year.
(1)Flight experience of a minimum of one one-way flight on said route (including the route specified by the Minister of Transport and regarded as similar to the said route)in accordance with the flight plan approved under Article 97 paragraph 1 of the Law;
(2)Experience in taking off and landing at the aerodromes along said route (including education through audiovisual aids with regard to take off and landing at the said aerodromes).





